Sunday, March 22, 2009

My 19-year old diet

Today I found this diet posted in my old live journal. I was 19 and trying to get ready for a trip to Italy.  Its a strict diet, but sounds like I know what I am talking about.  So lets try this again, 2009 style:

The new rules:
1. Water & OJ or 100% juice only--in the morning when I take my vitamins
2. No alcohol or caffine :(
3. More iron--which kind of blows as most iron enriched foods are breads
4. No eating out at all
5. More fruit
6. Less cheese--I eat a lottttt
7. More greens--spinach, lettuce, broccoli, edemame
8. Less fake-meat...which can be tasty
9. I cant go to sleep unless I workout 1st and do my homework*
10. But amazingly, I also have to get at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep a night (I average about 6 now which is probably why I constantly feel like shit. The anemia doesnt help either)
11. Less sauces, dressing, condiments of all sorts

*Note: This was copied and pasted from an old entry in 10/05. The differences now are that my homework is for grad school and I no longer have anemia.  Please support me in my life-long mission to look like a Bikini Babe.