Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blair Waldorf

This lovely weather is sure giving me a pair of the love-goggles. About damned time.

Everyday for the past two days, I walk outside my door in the morning and say out loud: "ohmyGOD it feels SO GOOD out here!" So far I have only been caught talking to myself once, but I am hoping for more.

Things have been good. I've got my BFF as my neighbor, I found a new Monday night hangout (Gossip Girl at Alamo Drafthouse), and my house doesn't smell like a garbage can. Its bike-riding weather. The GRE is behind me. My boyfriend is growing a cute beard. My dog is not being a total asshole today. I could really get used to this!

Now that I'm living a more inspired life I should really make more use of all this good energy. Here is what's on my to do:

-Pull out my keyboard lesson books
-Go camping!
-Start looking at houses on the eastside again
- Spend some more time in bed
- Plant some winter things
- Write

Thats the plan.

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