To celebrate fall, I had the biggest juiciest most delicious Cortland apple of all time. See that is what happens with fatties, it comes back to food always.
Fall officially started last week, and it has been surprisingly great. I'm pleased and it is not just the new primetime television lineup. Nothing particularly new has happened, with the exception of my lady-friend moving to town. Still, I sense a positive change in the air. Good ideas are brewing--I already have one supporter/potential investor for my secret-business! I will tell you what it is if you're nice. I will say this, it involves vanity and Mexican food.
This evening I was looking for a blank book to paste some magazine clippings in (hello, 17) and I stumbled upon some old journals of mine. That's always interesting. I was seriously hooked. Oh the poor use of language and post-teenage melodrama! No. But seriously, it was pretty depressing. 2005 was not a good year for me apparently. Growing pains. All my important friends are in there. If you are reading now, there is a good chance you are in there. And, I found an entry going on and on about this dude then the following year a note I'd written by it that said "I don't even remember who this guy is!"
One neat thing about documenting your experiences is going back and finding themes. I couldn't help reading over some of the pages thinking gosh, that is something that hasn't changed at all. Things may not have changed much, but one thing I feel confident about is growing up...at least a little bit.
I recently heard of this project where people read their teenage diaries aloud. How excruciating!
I'd sign up in a heartbeat.
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i heart you!
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